Monday, October 3, 2011

Review of Angels Cry by J.S. Wayne

Note: Unless otherwise stated, all books that I review, I have purchased.

I'm always impressed when an author can take established mythology, legend, fact or fiction and make it their own.  J.S. Wayne deftly weaves biblical lore within a contemporary tapestry, making for a familiar, yet unique and plausible reality mixed with elements of fantasy.
Angels Cry continues the tale of Moradiel, a Soul Bearing Angel who falls in love with human Ariel, sparing her life by altering events per-ordained by a higher power.
On the run from the Angel of Death, Azrael, they make their stand, of all places, in Sin City, Las Vegas.  I found this to be an amusing touch by Mr. Wayne.
There is a large cast in this novel and while some may argue that to have many ancillary characters in a romance novel detracts from main thrust (pun intended) of the central protagonists of the story. I whole-heartedly disagree. The secondary characters, fully realized and textured, add dramatic texture and a bit of comic relief to the eventual showdown between Azrael and Moradiel.

Angels Cry is a story about the enduring power of love, and how it can literally, move Heaven and Hell.


Anonymous said...
Thank you very much, K.B.! After reading The Darker Side Of Heaven, I wasn't entirely sure Angels Cry was going to measure up...but I'm VERY glad to see that it did!
Thanks for taking the time, as always :D



kbcutter said...

My pleasure, J.S.

I look forward to Angel of Death!